MPR Wellness program
Midwest Public Risk (MPR) has a comprehensive wellness program designed to improve your health and help you experience a better quality of life.
The program includes services and resources designed to keep you and your employees informed and engaged in the health/wellness goals of MPR.
Through a mix of education seminars, campaigns, and group challenges, MPR offers a variety of ways for employees to participate in activities to improve their health.
MPR can also assist you in creating a customized health fair. Additional resources are available to our health benefits members through UMR’s professional CARE programs. Please contact the MPR Wellness Director, Jeff Aebersold, at to coordinate all wellness engagement initiatives.
Wellness CALENDAR OF Events
January 15, 2025 Delta Dental - Jet Dental Info Meeting 12pm (Member Reps)
February 17-28 MPR Make A Move Challenge Registration (All Employees)
February 21 Mental Health First Aid Training (Member Reps)
March 3 Make A Move Challenge STARTS (All Employees)
April 14 Make A Move Challenge ENDS (Last day to record results)
August 20 MPR Annual Health & Wealth Member/Partner Expo (Member Reps)
August 25 MPR Heroes Operation Meltdown - 6-week Challenge (All Employees)
October 30 Member Entity Health Expo & Biometric Screenings
Sept 11, 2024 12:00 PM Managing Remote (Or Hybrid) Employees
Recorded Webinar Link 091124 Managing Remote-Hybrid Employees
Nov. 13, 2024 12:00 PM Learning to Say “No”
Recorded Webinar Link 11132024 Learning to Say "No"
Dec. 11, 2024 12:00 PM Parenting a Child with Special Needs
Recorded Webinar Link Parenting A Child With Special Needs
Jan. 8, 2025 12:00 PM Understanding How Your Emotions Impact Interactions with Older Loved Ones
Feb.12, 2025 12:00 PM Loving…YOU! The Art of Self-Acceptance
Mar. 5, 2025 12:00 PM Gratitude: A Skill for Happier Living
Apr. 9, 2025 12:00 PM Using Guided Imagery for Wellness and Stress Reduction
GuidanceResources Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
For short-term counseling needs, all MPR Benefit Member Entity employees include six free visits with a professional for all covered participants. GuidanceResources EAP resources are available online and via mobile app. Log on today to connect directly with a Guidance Consultant about your issue or to view articles, podcasts, videos and other helpful tools.
GuidanceResources – Eap – Digital Toolkit
Manager Toolkit - U.S. English -