This committee represents the 50+ law enforcement agencies from MPR's Membership, with each department eligible to send one representative to the committee.

The primary functions of LELAC include:

  • Review Law Enforcement loss data and claims history, discuss emerging trends and issues, and recommend best practices, course corrections and policy updates.

  • Review and provide input on existing law enforcement training and policy programming through MPR Partners, Lexipol, LocalGovU.

  • Share timely legislative, legal and other updates and trends with Member agencies

  • Sponsor and host training sessions at MPR Campus and Member agency sites

  • Attend law enforcement-related conferences and seminars, supporting MPR Members, and promoting MPR Membership, coverage and services

  • Make coverage, policy, and resource management recommendations to the Board of Directors

Meeting Frequency: Quarterly; Visit the MPR Events page for exact dates.
Committee Chair: Chief Jim Wilson, City of Raymore

For more information, please contact Darin Chance, Risk Management Advisor.