This committee represents the 50+ law enforcement agencies from MPR's Membership, with each department eligible to send one representative to the committee.
The primary functions of LELAC include:
Review Law Enforcement loss data and claims history, discuss emerging trends and issues, and recommend best practices, course corrections and policy updates.
Review and provide input on existing law enforcement training and policy programming through MPR Partners, Lexipol, LocalGovU.
Share timely legislative, legal and other updates and trends with Member agencies
Sponsor and host training sessions at MPR Campus and Member agency sites
Attend law enforcement-related conferences and seminars, supporting MPR Members, and promoting MPR Membership, coverage and services
Make coverage, policy, and resource management recommendations to the Board of Directors
Meeting Frequency: Quarterly; Visit the MPR Events page for exact dates.
Committee Chair: Chief Jim Wilson, City of Raymore
For more information, please contact Darin Chance, Risk Management Advisor.